Your Privacy Matters to Us

 We take your privacy very seriously:

  1. The and websites belong to and are maintained by the Canadian Safe School Network (CSSN), 229 Niagara Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6J 2L5, Canada.

  2. CSSN is a federally registered charity. Our charitable registration number is 873620959RR0001.

  3. Any personal information you provide to CSSN through or is regulated and protected by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, as well as by Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

  4. This privacy policy forms part of CSSN’s terms of use.

  5. Any information that we collect from visitors and users, through cookies, our web hosting service, or provided by the visitor or user, whether personally identifying or not, is used only for our own purposes and only for providing our own services. This information is never knowingly shared with third parties. If any information does need to be shared, an explicit disclosure shall be provided.